Open Agora

Powerful polls and votes in Slack channels

About Open Agora

Open Agora extends Slack with a simple and effective polling system. It allows to create polls in Slack channels, and displays the results as inline bar or pie charts. Anyone can add new options during the vote, and users may also adjust their votes during the poll (for more features, see our support page).
The application configures a /poll command for you. Privacy being one of our main concerns, you will not need to give this command any access to your channels.
For more details on the /poll command, type /poll help or visit the support page.

Alternatives to Open Agora

Open Agora is listed in: Polls

🎉 Emoji polls and feedback 💬
Create native and simple polls in Slack.
A slack bot to manage your todo's, tasks and polls
Create polls and instantly share them on Slack reviews applications which integrate with Slack, and is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc.