Alerts by MarketSpace

Get news, app updates, social, videos & more for the brands you follow.

AboutAlerts by MarketSpace

Complete monitoring of the companies and products you care about. MarketSpace delivers important news, app updates, social posts, videos and more right into your Slack feed. Teams use MarketSpace to stay on top of their competition, sales prospects, partners and portfolios.
For a limited time, early adopters get the first 10 companies, free!

Alternatives toAlerts by MarketSpace

Alerts by MarketSpace is listed in:Marketing/AnalyticsOnline Mentions

Social networking and microblogging service.
Get notified in Slack when your startup is mentioned online
Analytics Companion for your Slack team.
Google Analytics summarized simply for your team.
Real-time web analytics platform.
Subscription analytics, insights & notifications in Slack
Be the first to know when news breaks; get alerts for major stories as soon as they happen.
Seamlessly share content directly to Slack via AddThis Share buttons.
Media monitoring made simple, right into your Slack team. Don't miss anything said about your brand online.
A content marketing dashboard with timely Slack notifications.
Audience analytics for content creators.
A bot pushing analytics data into Slack
Get notified in Slack when your company/keyword is mentioned
Gain great control of your brand assets, all from Slack.
Get alerts in Slack for your digital marketing campaigns. We've got your back!
See important user activity in Slack
Your startup marketing assistance
Receive automated Slack notifications whenever your company gets mentioned online.
Get latest news on topics and publishers in your Slack channels
Allows you to receive HeyOrca updates through Slack.
Share content to your Slack Channels
Send and schedule social media reports to your Slack channels
Keep track of what’s happening on social media reviews applications which integrate with Slack, and is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc.