
Smooch lets your team speak to your app's users directly without leaving Slack.

Review ofSmooch

Smooch gives your team a way to chat with customers - while your team chat using Slack, your customers can chat through your website, app, or other services.

Here's how it works: you install the live chat widget inside your web application, and you connect Smooch to Slack. When a customer attempts to chat with you on the website, Smooch will automatically create a new customer avatar, name and channel for that conversation. You'll get a notification that the chat has started, and you'll be automatically invited to the channel. Normal chat inside that channel is between your team members, and you can chat to the customer using the /sk slash command.

On the plus side, we think it's great to have a way to integrate your internal conversations with your customer conversations in the same tool. We also found it easy to set up Smooch, and the tool works as advertised. As a bit of a bonus, you can also configure automated messaging - so an automated message is sent to a website/app visitor when they trigger a particular event. Smooch will also automatically archive channels that haven't had a chat in the last 6 hours. We also really liked the fact that you can integrate Stripe payments directly into Smooch chat.

We found that the Smooch interface was a little harder to learn, compared to their competitors with dedicated (outside-of-Slack) chat clients. Some of the things we'd come to expect in other tools, like integrated analytics or emoji support, aren't included in Smooch yet

We are really impressed that Smooch provides a generous 10,000 monthy active users limit on their free play. Businesses with higher customer volumes will need to move to the paid service.

Review by


Speak to your customers directly from Slack

Manage your customer relationships entirely in Slack

Allow your entire team to completely manage communication with your customers without leaving Slack. Smooch also automatically manages and archives the conversation channels it creates to keep your team’s Slack neat & tidy. Mom would approve.

1. When a user reaches out to you, Smooch will alert a channel you specify to let you know a user needs help.

2. This alert will take you to a channel that’s specific to the user who’s speaking to you.

3. Consult and collaborate with your teammates, then reply with a simple /sk command.

Your replies are instantly delivered to the user’s phone and look just like a text message would.

Alternatives toSmooch

Smooch is listed in:Live chat

Live-chat with your web visitors directly from Slack
Slaask is the first customer chat tool 100% integrated into Slack.
Live chat platform for websites.
Slack live chat for websites
Your help desk. In Slack.
Live chat software for websites and web apps
Live Chat platform for websites and web apps
The widget that allows you to connect your customers to your team through Slack.
Instant Slack notifications from live chat customers, users and visitors.
Live Chat with visitors right from Slack reviews applications which integrate with Slack, and is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc.