
Live chat platform for websites.

About Userlike

Userlike is a customizable chat platform that can be embedded on your website. Chat live with website visitors to deliver feedback and support instantly.

This integration will post notifications to a channel in Slack when a chat is started or an offline message is received.

Alternatives to Userlike

Userlike is listed in: Live chat

Smooch lets your team speak to your app's users directly without leaving Slack.
Live-chat with your web visitors directly from Slack
Slaask is the first customer chat tool 100% integrated into Slack.
Slack live chat for websites
Your help desk. In Slack.
Live chat software for websites and web apps
Live Chat platform for websites and web apps
The widget that allows you to connect your customers to your team through Slack.
Instant Slack notifications from live chat customers, users and visitors.
Live Chat with visitors right from Slack reviews applications which integrate with Slack, and is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, Inc.